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Submandibular gland solid masses and swelling during meals

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Hi, i uploaded the doctor report and the x rays with this question , he told me that nothing is wrong with my submandibular gland and to forget about it , but i can still feel something inside when i touch them on both sides , during any meal it gets swelling and some time after meals it shrinks back . no pain at all . the doctor mentioned solid masses with homogeneous echo pattern on his report . please please i am worried , is he telling the truth that i am fine and not to worry and leave it alone , or there is something wrong with me ? thank you

Category: Endocrinologist

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 23 Doctors Online


With the available information (Images Reviewed by our Radiologist Rohit Malik MD), the submandibular gland appears normal. The swelling you feel should be the submandibular gland itself. There could be possible inflammation resulting in the swelling of the gland. Bacterial or viral infections can cause it. A possible block also can be considered as there is swelling up during meals. Isolating the exact cause is not necessary at this stage. Only if the symptoms persists you can consider it.

Bottom line is, the swelling is NOT dangerous.

Hope this helps.
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Dr.JMM our endocrinologist is also of the same opinion.

Patient replied :

Hi, thank you for the reply , but as mentioned in the radiologist report , multiple masses seen related to submandibular gland

On the right side 1.4 cm & 0.7 cm in size
On the left side 1.2 cm & 0.9 cm

Both have wll defined borders with homogeneous echo pattern . No calcification is seen .

So what about those masses he mentioned ? Can you please explain to me what the radiologist wrote on his report . Thank you


Thank you for the additional information. Do you happen to have the recording of the USG done ? Ultrasound is like a continuous imaging, (like a video recording) and the images are only like screenshots. From the available images glands appear normal and there are no calcifications.

I assume the reporting is done by a qualified radiologist. If that is the case he might be able to put in a suggestive diagnosis. The possible ones are pleomorphic adenoma, sialadenitis etc. However the chance of malignancy or cancer is very less. The ideal wau to get a conclusive diagnosis is to get a FNAC done (Fine needle aspiration cytology) a kind of Biopsy. CT may also provide more information.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup questions.
Thank you

Patient replied :

Hi, sorry i dont have any more images , but if the solid masses are dangerous , wouldnt there be signs ,its been two years now, i dont feel anything , even when i touch them , no pain at all , i can feel them , they get swallow little when eating and shrink back when done eating . Not abvious to the naked eye , only when touching ,i shaved where the swallowing is , looks normal in the video , But i can feel them when touching and i can push them back too , no pain at all.

Ps: i noticed the swallow during my 2 tooth implants , one each side , lower jaw , exactly where the swallow is two years ago .

Thank you

Exactly. If the mass was cancerous there would be growth seen externally. In USG there would be irregular margins, invasion of the surroundings, ill defined margins, blood vessel/nerve involvement. Since you do not have any of these features it is safe to assume that those are benign. (non cancerous). Moreover bilateral (both sides) presentation is also less likely in dangerous swelling. That is why I said the possible diagnosis are pleomorphic adenoma and sialadintis. Pleomorphic adenoma has benign characteristics and is slow growing. But still in discussion with your Doctor you can consider a FNAC. (Small biopsy).

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