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Testosterone therapy and venous leakage

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I am considering Testosterone therapy, and even though my levels are within the "normal" range for my age group, I have all the symptoms and my "normal" must be much higher. Additionally, Is Testosterone therapy beneficial for venous leakage?

Category: Urologist

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Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
 29 Doctors Online

Dear sir,

I shall be interested what all symptoms you have that you are attributing to low testosterone although your levels are within normal limits.

Testosterone therapy does not contribute to any improvement of venous leakage.

You should get your PSA done prior to starting the testosterone therapy especially considering the fact that you have family history of prostate cancer.

Take care


Patient replied :

Thank you for the response.

Yes, I agree with PSA and will always keep an eye on this, especially due to my family history. It was normal.

My symptoms are: severe fatigue - I basically have no energy at all, insomnia - has gotten progressively worse over the years, low libido, irritability, I can't focus - I take ADHD meds (as needed) to help and some slight depression. In my opinion, I exhibit all of the symptoms.

Regarding venous leakage, what treatment options are available for this? Getting an erection is not the problem, but I always lose it and I need to correct this issue - any suggestions?

Dear Sir

You can start yourself on testosterone supplementation and see how you do.

Vacuum erection devices work the best for venous leakage. You can try that in consult with your Doctor.
Take care

Patient replied :

Ok, not trying to keep asking the same question, but not getting the type of response I was expecting. I don't need a vacuum, those help with achieving an erection - that is not my problem. The vacuum would not help with the leakage and that is what I am asking about. There has to be some treatment method for this. Please advise.

Consult Followup Reply by Dr.Gautam Banga :


I assume that you have a medically diagnosed venous leakage, not just a suspicion. If it is not evaluated I request you to undergo an evaluation.

If the venous leakage is medically diagnosed in your case, the first step I would recommend is a Penile Band (or an adjustable penile base constriction device ) - also know as penile tourniquet. This should give good results. Induvidual devices vary slightly , so please read package instruction. I strongly recommended against using Testosterone supplementation. It can do NO good in a personal with normal T levels.

Hope this helps
Feel free to ask clarifications / followup.
Dr.Gautam Banga

Dr. Rajiv Goel
Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist
MCh(urology) Medical Council of India
Fellow, Laparoscopic urology, Germany
Fellow, Urooncology and Robotic urology, Australia
Felloship - MCH, Urology/Genito-Urinary Surgery, AIIMS, 2004
Residency - MS, Master of Surgery, AIIMS, 2001
Medical School - MBBS, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery, AIIMS, 1998
Dr. Rajiv Goel and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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