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Unpleasant sensation under eye on touching HARD PALATE. Cause?

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I have had a problem for about 15 months. If I touch the roof of my mouth (hard palate) with my tongue, or finger, I have an unpleasant transference of the sensation to under / around my right eye. I have seen an ENT Consultant and had nasal endoscopy. This showed nothing unusual. I have had dental x-rays and treatment. There was some sign of infection (not a great deal judging from the x-ray) and I have had root canal treatment (one week ago). It does not appear to have had any effect as the unpleasant sensation on touch remains. I have slight pain in the nasal cavity on occasion now (for the last few weeks). I get regular partial congestion in the right nostril, but this does clear if I lie on my right side, or generally if the weather is colder. I have been referred to another ENT Consultant, but the issue seems to me to be more neurological - issue regarding the trigeminal nerve? I think I need to direct the search for the actual cause more than following the suspicions of others now as the problem has gone on for so long.

Category: Neurologist, Medical

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Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
 27 Doctors Online

Thank you for posting your query at
I have noted your symptoms and I agree with you that they are neurological in nature. For further evaluation, an MRI of brain along with angiogram should be done. Thinner sections through the trigeminal nerve should be taken. This would help us to identify the root cause of your symptoms.
If symptoms are troublesome, pregabalin capsules may be used.
I hope it helps. Please get back if you have any further follow up queries.
Best wishes,

Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Category: Internal Medicine Specialist
Fellowship - Nephrology, Seth G. S. Medical College, Mumbai
Residency - Internal Medicine, Grant Medical College, Mumbai
Medical School - MBBS, Patna Medical College
Dr. Rajesh Kumar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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