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Vascular damage to Penis while using Penis pump

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I had bought penis pump a year ago, in the beginning after using it I used to get hard erections which made me feel more using it, I kept using it about 4-5 times at most.

After some time when I noticed, I wasn't getting any erection at all, it seems penis pump has injured my blood vessels, I realized 1-2 week ago that all this happened because of that penis pump.

I have threw that away now.
whenever I sleep and backside up the blood will flow into my penis and I will get erection sometimes hard, but whenever I sit or stand up the erection goes away, it only comes when im lying on bed backside up.

I do not get an erection anymore when I'm standing up or sitting.
I do not masterbate anymore either.

I'm taking protein shakes, I'm thinking to take l-carnitine L-Arginine to help me repair the damage. I'm also going to try a product reju-nerve which heals the damage cause by penis pumps.

Please tell me if there is a chance to repair the damaged caused by Penis Pump.

- F

Category: Urologist

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Category: Andrologist
 20 Doctors Online


Thanks for your query at DoctorSpring. I can understand your concern.

To check the blood flow pattern we have to do color doppler of penis. This is the definitive investigation which will say whether the blood vessels were really injured or not. Without this information it will be difficult to proceed further. Protein shakes and supplements can help improve your general health, but might not address the problem of a vascular leak. If there is some problem in penis blood circulation ( insufficiency/venous leak) then the best treatment for you is penile prosthesis (implant).

If the blood vessels are alright then hormonal and psychological causes needs to be evaluated (if not done already). I would like to know what prompted the use of a penis pump in the first place. Was it prescribed by a Doctor after completer evaluation ? You can reply as a followup query.

Also please feel free to ask any specific queries you may have.
Thank you.


Patient replied :

Penis Pump was not prescribed by a doctor before that I was having normal erections, I wanted to increase the size of penis, it was working fine after using it, erections were coming more frequent and harder but now I don't even get a normal erection after using it.

when I'm sleeping my face towards the bed side, I would get an erection in the morning, but I wouldn't able to keep it that too whenever I stand up it goes away.

so this means I need to get a Doppler test of penis from a hospital.


Even though penis pumps can theoretically cause blood vessel damage, it is not a common occurrence or side effect. The current erectile problem seems to be temporary erectile dysfunction rather than a vascular trauma.

Anyhow I recommend you NOT to use to use the penis pump. This will prevent any further damage (if any). Next you will require a simple set of hormonal and doppler test to see whether there is any underlying problem causing this erectile dysfunction. Alternatively you can wait for a couple more weeks to see if the problems resolve by itself. Early morning erections can wane off after a particular age. Your sexual excitability can also diminish. These are normal phenomenon and will not affect your sex life.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followup queries.
Thank you

Patient replied :

also I want to know if it has to do anything with a diet or studies stress.

I take coffee daily as I'm a university student and yes I have sometime studies stress.

I'm hardcore non-veg person I rarely eat veg food.
Can you prescribe any medicine, herbal treatment or diet that can help increase the repair process?

Chances are – say 95% there is no damage. So there is no need for any medication. Even if there medication won’t directly help. I recommend moderation in alcohol. Strictly avoid smoking. General healthier food options (more greens and fruits) even though will not have immediate impact , might be beneficial in long term.

There is one approach I would strongly recommend. That is moderate aerobic exercise atleast 30-45 minutes duration on most of the days. This is proven to increase your sexual performance.

Patient replied :

I also just realized some part on the penis is highlighted looks like its a stretch marks on the side of the penis. do you recommend any thing for that?

Nothing much can be done regarding this. These are actually a normal phenomenon and can be left alone.

Thank you

Dr. Gautam Banga
Category: Andrologist
MS Surgery: MGM Medical College & M.Y Hospital Indore
Residency: M.Ch, Urology, SMS Medical College & Hospitals Jaipur
Medical School: MBBS, BJ Medical College, Pune, 2001
Training in Urethral Reconstructive surgery: Kulkarni Reconstructive Urology center, Pune
Dr. Gautam Banga and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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