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Burning at tip with sore shaft of penis after sex.

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on Sunday night, I had received brief unprotected oral sex (less than 30 seconds) from a woman whom I met earlier that evening. We then had vaginal intercourse, but I used a condom. I did not ejaculate, nor come close. We stopped because there was a significant amount of blood coming from her vagina. I immediately showered and scrubbed the area. On Monday morning I had some burning at the tip of my penis. This has now evolved into steadily uncomfortable sensation around the shaft of my penis. It is also worth noting that this was at the end of a 3 day drinking binge, and I was fairly intoxicated at the time of the encounter and was dehydrated the next morning when I urinated.
I had masturbated without lubrication twice earlier that day as well, so I'm wondering if my penis is just sore from that? I went to my doctor this morning, who ordered a Chlamydia test via a urine sample. This test came about 36 hours after contact, and it came back negative.
I have convinced myself that I have herpes, and I didn't sleep last night. I discovered what I believe is a canker sore inside my mouth (inside my lower lip), but of course my mind convinced me that this was oral herpes.
I am also experiencing lower abdomen pain, as well as pain near my kidneys in my back. I feel some shooting pain in my urethra occasionally, and up inside me. I've also had some itching around my crotch area, and some testicular pain.
I am hoping that because the pain started right away, this is more likely something else?

Please help me try to understand what is going on. I can hardly sleep because I'm so nervous, and I haven't been able to focus at work. I'm so nervous that I can hardly eat anything.


Category: Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD)Specialist

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Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
 26 Doctors Online


Thanks for posting your query at can understand your concern.
The symptoms that you mention point more towards a urinary tract infection. That could be why the tip of the penis has some soreness and the associated abdominal n back pain. If it were genital herpes, you would have had a cluster of fluid filled blisters which is not the case.
I would recommend a course of an oral antibiotic like norfloxacin for the urinary tract infection. Also drinking a lot of water and taking in more vitamin c like lemon, orange etc would be helpful. You will need a prescription for the antibiotic.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

Take care

Patient replied :

Thank you for your response.
I have spoken to my doctor, who has switched me to an antibiotic for any urinary issues I may be having. My main concern is the burning/tingling sensation on the left side of my penis. This burning began about 6-12 hours after contact, and hasn't stopped since (total of 4+ days). I haven't seen any clear signs of sores or red marks, but I'm afraid they're going to show up.
Is it odd that my symptoms showed up immediately after contact? Also, doesn't prodome usually only last a few days at most? It's been 4 already.
I'm not sure that I've noticed any physical appearance changes in my penis, but perhaps the darker spots are from touching it too much because I'm worried? I've looked at pictures of herpes online and those pictures do not look like my genitals right now.
My doctor told me to see if any marks or sores show up over the weekend, and if they do then I need to come in and see him. I'm praying that nothing shows up and that my antibiotics will help clear up my UTI symptoms.

Thanks for your reply.
Your doctor is right about that and if you see any fluid filled blisters, it would be best to show them to your doctor and take treatment.
Herpes usually has a prodrome of a couple of days but it can at times be prolonged. So it's difficult to predict. However, it is unlikely for you to be having genital herpes.
You can apply an antibiotic cream called Mupirocin in the area to take care of any bacterial infection or inflammation that may have been there.

Please let me know if you have any queries.
Take care.

Patient replied :

Thank you for your help. I have spoken to my partner and she assures me that she is not infected with any type of STD. If that is true, are there any other explanations for the burning on the left side of my penis?
It has now been 6 days since the sexual contact, and I haven't seen any lesions yet. There is some general redness in that area of my penis, but that's it. I think I may see some VERY small white spots, but they're hardly visible at all and aren't raised.
I am having trouble sleeping and eating because I'm so nervous. This is a real problem. I'm seeking reassurance that this is not genital herpes. Again, I received brief unprotected oral sex from a woman who is confident that she has no STD's, and then we had brief protected vaginal intercourse which ended because she had her period.
Are there any other explanations for the burning sensation? The sensation began about only a few hours after contact, and has been constant since then (there have been a few times where it's gone away). It's usually better in the morning right when I wake up, so perhaps it's the fact that I keep touching it because I'm looking for lesions?
Please help put my mind at ease
Thank you again for your help


Thanks for your reply.

I would like to request for a picture of the affected area, maybe I can see some redness or white spots that you mention.

Once i get the images, i will be able to guide you further,

Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar
Category: Cosmetic and Plastic Surgeon
Diploma in Dermatology - Royal College Of Physicians & Surgeons Of Glasgow, UK , 2010
Residency - DNB, Dermatology -  K.J Somaiya Hospital, Mumbai, 2009
Medical School & Internship - MBBS - Dr. D . Y . Patil Medical College, Mumbai, 2004
Dr. Kruti Jobanputra Banodkar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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