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Correlation between GOUT, HEART DISEASE and effect in eye.

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I am a what most folks would consider a healthy 34-year old male, but I have had two gout attacks within the last year (last one 6 months ago). After googling the disease, I began to get pretty worried about the correlation between heart disease and gout, and I have spent A TON of time pouring through articles on the association between gout and heart disease - sometimes worrying myself sick. I noticed that you have done research / studies on the topic, and I was hoping that you could offer some advice on whether or not I should be worried, and if so how much?

In other words - I know that I have some elevated risk of CHD relative to someone without gout. BUT, I am taking allopurinol and monitoring my uric acid level (which has never registered above 7.1 - most of my readings are between 6 and 7). I am 6' 1", weigh 195 pounds, exercise most days of the week, and am fairly health conscious.

Do these things help mitigate the risk? Some articles say that my relative risk of CHDisease may be 2x that of someone without gout (understanding that this may be 2x a small absolute number). I noticed that one of your studies seems to indicate 25% higher risk (which is much more palatable to me!). How big of a risk factor is it in your eyes?

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 18 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
I understand your concern.
Will you please answer following question so that I can help you:
-What is your profession?
-What are aggravating or reliving factors?
-Is there history of injury to back?
Please reply.
Thank you

Patient replied :

Gladly. - I've BA in English Translation, graduated last year and still haven't got a job (my pain is kind of holding me back) - Aggravating factors: a) Standing for a long period of time b) Sitting for some time, even laying down on bed giving me too much pain sometimes. c) Bending my body. d) Lifting weights. e) Doing stretching excerses. f) Doing Prayers (Muslim prayer) As for relieving factors: Nothing except a (thermal?) patch, and it only ease a small amount of pain, as well as a hot path which help for an hour or so.
- Is there history of injury to back? None. I haven't done any surgery in my life except Lasik. If you want to look at my feet image (Schull scan) I'll attach it next time. I hope that answers your questions professor.

Hello ,
I have gone through your details .It looks that your present problem is not due to any anatomical abnormality in your spine but it is due to spasm of paraspinal muscles.These muscles support the spine on both sides.Due to over activity of these muscles there is excessive stress is placed over the vertebral or spine bones.Although i can not say with confidence but it looks that some kind of stress is playing role in increasing spasm at your back.If it is there then do warm water fomentation at your back for at least 4-5 times a day.You should take a good sleep for at least 6-8 hours.You should avoid long sitting .In such cases i used to prescribe a combination of analgesic with muscle relaxant like thiocolchicoside with aceclofenac .Doing meditation may help you with this.
Hope this will help you.

Patient replied :

Thanks doctor. I still have one question, there's a pills a doctor prescribed it to me. It's called Neuroplex, for the nerve system. Should I take these pills? Or the one you just prescribed?
thanks again

You can take neuroplex along with the medicine I have prescribed.

Patient replied :

Hello again doctor. Can you please check my MRI images again? Apparently, and a according to a radiologist, I have a mild disk deviation between L3 and L4. I've uploaded the image the said radiologist saw. So far I took 3 Neurobion injections, along with Voltarin and Myonal. I've given up on Meds. I think I'm going to get extra care and stop doing anything that causes pain. Should I go to the gym for some cardio excercies? NOTE: I couldn't uploud the image directly, so here's the scan.

Such mild type of disc prolapse are not cause of moderate or severe pain.In such proper back care should be done.You should not do forward bending or sit for long time at one place.

Dr. Mukesh Tiwari
Category: Spine Surgeon
Fellowship - Khandaka Hospital, Jaipur
Residency - MS, Rabindranath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, 2000
Medical School, Internship - MBBS, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, 1995
Dr. Mukesh Tiwari and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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