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What can I do to maintain BP at normal levels?

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I have been on a low but healthy blood pressure for a long time. I feel dizziness when I stand up. I had my blood pressure on a low end while having my period, one year ago. I checked with my GP for thyroid dysfunction but it was fine, along with several blood tests. GP advised me to take some salt to get over low pressure. I worked on that but the bp was at its lower side, leaving me sleepless at times. I have got two young children also. At times BP goes low and I cant sleep at that time. After a few days it will start improving. But a permanent recovery seems way too far. When BP is low, I feel tired and dizzy. Why is this happening frequently? What can I do to maintain BP at normal levels?

Category: Sexologist

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Category: Family Physician-GP
 25 Doctors Online

Hello .Thanks for your query.

Blood pressure is considered low when the systolic drops below 90 mm Hg and the diastolic below 60 mm Hg. In medical terminology, it is known as hypotension as opposed to hypertension which is high blood pressure. Low blood pressure is a physiological condition and it occurs when the volume of blood in the blood vessels is insufficient to maintain the normal pressure. You have mentioned that you are suffering from low BP. Was the BP measured with the help of the bp machine when you feel dizzy?

A female during her menstrual cycle loses upto 80 ml of blood. This along with decreased food and water intake would trigger dizziness in any individual. I feel that you are experiencing a similar picture. An episode of dizziness upon standing suggests postural hypotension, a condition where the blood in the body is pooled in the lower limbs upon standing, which reduces the blood supply to the brain leading to hypotension. I would advise you to rule out the conditions like Anemia, thyroid abnormalities, excessive bleeding during the cycles, reduced salt intake, dehydration etc., before going for further treatment. Have a balanced diet with more salt and increase your water intake. Though Blood pressure on the lower end is more desired than on the other end, it is recommended to consult a physician to rule out other associated disorders.

Hope this helps.

Dr. John Monheit
Category: Family Physician-GP
Residecny: North Colorado Family Medicine
Medical School: The Chicago Medical Center
Dr. John Monheit and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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