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Effect of D&C for miscarriage on conceiving again.

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Hi doctor, i am 32 years old and had a missed miscarriage at 6 weeks. I am going to get a d&c soon. But i am concerned about the effects this will have on me trying to conceive again. I heard it can cause scarring leadibg to Ashermans Syndrome which causes infertility. I have never had any other D&c or abortions in the past and have very regular periods. In your opinion, what are my chances of having a healthy pregnancy later on? Do you have patients that have problems due to D&C? Can it be treated successfully?

Category: Pediatrician

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Category: ICU/ Critical Care Specialist
 32 Doctors Online

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I can understand your concerns. Mother's milk is the BEST option for any baby and that has been proven beyond doubt by numerous research studies. Brain development in babies is the best for those receiving breast milk (even in small quantities). So as far as BRAIN-FRIENDLY food for babies is concerned, the winner is, hands-down, breast milk. So even if you are having problems with low milk supply, there are medical techniques to augment your milk output:
1. Drinking adequate water/fluids. A healthy, balanced diet to the mother with 1.5 times the calorie and protein requirements (Extra 800 kcal)
2. Back massage techniques (intercostal space massage may improve breast milk output by stimulating nerve endings)
3. Drugs like metoclopramide, bromocriptine, etc can increase breast milk output.
I hope that the above techniques have been tried before you were advised to use formula feeds. It is very important to understand the numerous benefits of breast milk as against formula feeds. If enough efforts for establishment of breast feeding have not been taken, I strongly advise you to consult a breastfeeding counsellor/ pediatrician/ obstetrician and seek professional help.
There is nothing that can be labelled as the 'BEST FORMULA'. The pharmaceutical companies clearly know how to attract parental attention. They advertise that their products contain DHA, taurine, amino acids, etc that stimulate brain growth. But, neither has their claim been verified nor proven to help baby's brain growth. These are marketing gimmicks to fool parents and community alike.
The amino acids and proteins available in mother's milk are available to the baby at body temperature, that prevents their denaturing. Most of these formula feeds are put through cold storage and reconstituted with varying degree of temperatures of water. In that context, what proportion of the amino acids that they claim to add, is actually in a form that can be absorbed and utilized by the baby is questionable. There are so many stabilizing agents added to the formula. What is the effect of those agents on babies? One hardly knows..
There is a huge lacuna and poor governmental regulation in this area of artificial infant feeds (breast milk substitutes). If still, I have to provide my personal opinion, I would say that DHA and other essential amino-acid containing products sound better and may be better for your child, though I have no evidence to back me up.
Dr. Saptharishi L G
Dr. Saptharishi L G

Dr. Saptharishi L G
Category: ICU/ Critical Care Specialist
Senior Residency: DM,  Pediatric Critical Care, PGIMER

Residency: MD, Pediatrics, Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, 2013

Internship: JIPMER, 2009

Medical School: MBBS, Jawaharlal Institute of Post-graduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, 2008
Dr. Saptharishi L G and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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