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Snowvision, blurred vision after consuming METHANOL. Will cause blindness?

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Hey,I most liklely consumed methanol 16 days, and got most of the symptoms.
Now after 2 weeks I have some visual disturbances like snowvision and some blured vision. My eye vessels has been really red the last week.
I was wondering if this will get any worse? Is the toxic out of the system now? Is there a chance i will get blind? Is there any treatment possible this late?

Category: Ophthalmologist

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Category: Ophthalmologist
 20 Doctors Online

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As of now, it does not look like the vision will deteriorate further, because most effects are immediate.
Methanol consumption can cause irreversible changes, however, the effects are acute, so most likely will not deteriorate further. There is no antidote that can work now.
Feel free to discuss further,

Patient replied :

Im worried about getting worse, for instance when i look at a white wall, i see "snow" black and white dots circuling around my view, it this dangerous whit long term effect, like will this lead to blindness? how quickly does a methonal poisoned person usually get blind (when consumatiom of methanol is low), and may an eye doctor be able to tell if i will be better/worse? Am i able to get any better, and how quickly?

Unfortunately the query was closed, and hence we could not reply to the follow-up.
Methanol poisoning will cause almost immediate effects and even if blindness occurs it will occur in a day or two and there will be no change long term.
You can update me on your symptoms now, as it has been 2 days already and I will help you further.

Patient replied :

Hi, my eye vessel is really red, and my eyes are really itchy. Should this be a concern? Havent noticed much change since the last reply except the itchy eyes. But i was wondering if consuming regual alchol (ethanol) would be dangerous? If so, how long time should i wait before getting drunk again?

Dear Sir,
If the situation is the same we are thankful n happy, as far as drinking further ethanol or methanol i would say that please refrain for a month at least
Thank you

Patient replied :

my eyes are a little bit more red, im afraid this will develop further. Do you think? What may be the consequences if i drink like in two week?

Well, if you drink again, you may get blind.
The redness will reduce, provided you do not end up consuming it again.

Dr. Manish Malhotra
Category: Ophthalmologist
Fellowship: L. V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad
Fellow Pediatric Ophthalmology & Squint (L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad)
Medical School, Residency: MBBS, DOMS, FLVPEI, Nagpur university, 1995
Dr. Manish Malhotra and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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