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Sweling in foot after injury, deflates on rest.

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Hello. I had and still have a foot problem. playing football, I got a kick and have fallen ill on the ground (with the foot slightly incorrectly positioned). I immediately felt pain and a feeling of stretching along the leg to the knee. I ter then the shoe and the end formed a ball swollen and hard just below the ankle bone. I edited the foot with ice packs and cream (Voltaren). Now, after six days, I can walk properly but I feel some pain annoying. Also, just below where the ball had formed (and where I took the shot) now has formed a bruise. the foot is still a bit swollen and swells especially if we walk for many hours. if I'm in bed deflates after a couple of hours. What do you recommend to pass definitively swelling and bruises?

Category: Orthopedic Surgeon

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Category: Spine Surgeon
 26 Doctors Online

Greetings from
Thanks for writing to us.
I have read your history. You seems to be in lot of pain. An injury which lead to swelling and bruises, always require a work up, both clinically & radiologically. You need to get the X-rays done for you foot and ankle region. Please get back to us with xray reports.
Meanwhile, rest, icing, compression bandage & limb elevation over pillow will give you some relief. Apply cream (Voltaren) locally. You can take anti inflammatory medicines orally on as & when required basis also.
I hope my opinion will help you.
Feel free to discuss further,
Get well soon,
Stay happy & healthy,

Dr. Karun Jain
Category: Spine Surgeon
MBBS, 2002 - Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore
D.Orth, 2009- J.S.S Medical College, Mysore
MS - Orthopaedics, 2011 - University of Seychelles - American Institute of Medicine
Currently pursuing ChM (Trauma & Orthopedics) from The Royal college of Surgeons, Edinburgh & University of Edinburgh, U.K
Dr. Karun Jain and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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