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Viral Influenza.

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Hii I beg you Dr. I am very afraid I am hisham from Qatar I had vaginal sex since 8 days the sex was only for 1 min and then she gave me hand job and since 2 days I am having headache , body pain as if I will have flue I used condom and I contacted the prostitute and she told me that she dont have any HIV virus and she got tested 2 weeks earlier. I am not sleeping first 2 days I had a burning sensation at the top of my penis I contacted many drs and they told me that I am safe but still I am very afraid BECAUSE i AM HAVING THE FLU SYMPTOMS the condom had not broke at all what shell I do ? DO the symptoms appear fast like this ? I dont have fever and also I dont have flu or runny nose only headache and body pain

Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist

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Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
 20 Doctors Online

Hello and thankyou for approaching DoctorSpring with your query.
I have gone through your case and understand your query.

From what you have explained, it is unlikely that your symptoms are related to HIV.
HIV symptoms take 2-4 weeks to develop and can take upto 10 months. It is too early for you to experience HIV symptoms right now.
You are probably having a Flu (viral infection) which is common.

It is highly unlikely that you got HIV as you used protection (a condom).
However for you to feel completely sure and have peace of mind, I would advise you to get
1) yourself tested 3 weeks after the day you had sex using the Combo HIV antibody antigen test
2) If you have symptoms of burning or pain while passing urine, increased frequency of urination, urethral discharge or any rash you can get your self tested for STDs.

As of now you need not worry as your symptoms will be due to a simple viral flu.
You can take the tablet Ibuprofen after food when required to help relieve your symptoms.

I hope this has helped.

Patient replied :

Dear Dr.

First thanks a lot for your support and care.
Today is the 10th day after exposure I had not experienced any fever, Swollen lymph glands, rash all what I am having is headache and am feeling that my thigh are lazy somehow knowing that every day am going to gym and playing basketball, I dunno if anxiety is creating such head ache and tension of my thighs because I have no pain at all in my arms or chest.

For the burning sensation it was only for 2 days and I forget to tell you that it is the first time that I have sex ( it was a very fast process I used a condom I put my penis inside her vaginal for less than 1 minute, and later she gave me hand job ) and the first time I am using a latex condom so maybe it was allergy my dad is Dr. so he advised me to use Daktakort cream and actually I don't have any burning sensation once am passing urine or infrequent urination. After sex I checked the expiry date of the condom and it was till 2017 it was a carex brand.

This is my updated status, however what I want from you to know Am I having fatigue? Because I doing regular sports on daily bases and I am coming to work
Plus what are the symptoms if they occur that I should really worry?And fever should be there to worry or only and head ache and fatigue can lead to a conclusion that maybe I am exposed to HIV
Sorry for asking and requesting too much but I will update you each week about my status and I do really appreciate your support.

Hello and thankyou for your reply.
It is a good sign that you have not developed any other symptoms, which means you need not worry.
The headache could be related to anxiety.

Yes the burning sensation could be related to allergy to the condom, and Daktakort cream would have helped.
In that case as you did not develop any other symptoms, you do not require further testing.

Regarding the tension of your thighs and fatigue, I would advise you drink a lot of fluids and electrolyte drinks as you do regular sports. Make sure you keep yourself hydrated as dehydration can cause fatigue.
You can also take one Vitamin B complex tablet per day.
I do not think you need to worry about any symptoms, but if you develop any rash, lymph node swelling, weight loss that is unexplained you need to get yourself evaluated.

I hope this has helped.
Wishing you good health

Patient replied :

Hello Dr.

Today it is the 4th week after I had sex with a prostitute as I mentioned earlier I had a protected sex and till now THANKS God I had not any symptoms like fever , rash or lymph node swelling what shell I do more, On September is my wedding and for sure according to my country I cant get married unless I do tests and I am so afraid till now any advice Dr. Shell I do tests on June or for sure I don't need to worry and have test. Appreciated

It is good to hear that you do not have any of the symptoms and you need not worry.
However just to be sure and be completely clear that you are negative I would advise you to do the- HIV Combo antibody antigen test
Since anyway you have to get tested before your wedding, I would advise you to get it done right away and have peace of mind.

However it is very unlikely that you would have got infected from that episode and hence you need not worry.

I hope this has helped.
Wishing you all the best.
Take care

Patient replied :

Hello Dr.

40 days had passed and no other symptoms had appeared as I mentioned earlier all what I had was headache and fatigue in the first 10 days I had not had fever or rash or inflammation or swollen lymph nodes I am going next month to my country and I am planning to do test there on 26 june it will be 3 months after the risk exposure the results will accurate and final right ? Dr shell I worry for the time being. Appreciated

Hello Mr. Hisham.
Its to good to hear that you are doing well now.
Yes it is very accurate. The Combined HIV Antigen-Antibody Test is 100% sensitive to detect HIV, when done anytime after 3 weeks have passed following exposure. So when you get it done on June 26, it will be just as accurate.
It is highly unlikely that you have HIV. This test is only to put your fears to rest.
Please carry out the testing. A negative result on this would be solid proof that you do NOT have HIV.
Take care.

Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy
Category: HIV- AIDS Specialist
MBBS from Sri Ramachandra University in December 2011
M.Med (Family Medicine) - TNMGR University, Chennai
MBA-MPH in Public Health in March 2016, SRM University
Finished AFIH in March 2016, SRM University
MRCP ( UK ), Internal Medicine, Royal College of Physicians, June 2016
Fellowship in Diabetology from Martin Luther University in January 2017

Currently Resident Physician, in MD Radiodiagnosis - Kamakshi Memorial Hospital, Chennai
Dr. Jaydeep Tripathy and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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