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Bipolar symptoms and chronic fatigue

Resolved Question:

Hi here are my symptoms every day , its driving me crazy and getting wors please helpp
-heavy brain fog (especially near/behind the eyes region) - feel dazed/ “out of it”
-chronic fatigue
-overall cognitive impairment
-depression/bipolar symptoms
-lack of creativity
-extremely uncoordinated
-feel "slow”, slower reactions, slower thinking
-can't concentrate/focus
-harder to write essays/sentences
-feel disoriented
-feel kind of dizzy/shaky at times
-Difficulty thinking (especially hard to reason/use logic)
-Speech impairment sometimes

Category: Neurologist, Medical

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Category: Pediatric Neurologist
 31 Doctors Online


Thank you for asking your query at DoctorSpring.

I would like to know some additional information from you so that I can provide my best and learned opinion.

1. For how long are you having these symptoms ?
2. Have you been previously evalauted for this symptoms ? (Blood tests / Thyroid / Liver function / MRI)
3. Are you on any medication ?
4. If you don't mind can you describe your typical day in one or two sentences. What you do and stuff
5. Do you take a normal diet ?
6. Any addiction / illicit drug use ?
7. Any of these symptoms - seizures / numbness / weakness / double vision / loss of smell / trembling or tremors ?

You can reply as a followup.
Thank you

Patient replied :

I have had blood test done but it was for aliminum traces and some other blood test im not sure what they were .I dont take any medication at all , my typical day , wake up at 5am in the morning go have a protein shake get ready for work , then I start work making explosives for the mine so I work with diesel and amonuim nitrate , my job is physical becauce we have to manually stack the explosive whitch weigh 25kg each bag , doing about 25 tons a day , we have a break at 9 am whitch I then eat my oats and yogurt , after that we produce and then have another break at 12 then go to about 4pm and finnish work , whitch then I come home shower snd then go to the gym , I do a bit of bodybuilding I est pretty healty because I want to do my best at the gym.i dont have any addictions. My arms fall asleep some nights I feel like my hesd is tight and I feel mentaly slower and dope feeling, I do have a loss of smell.i also get numb toes through the day where a couple of them go numb and I dont feel them.


Thank you for providing the additional information.

The symptoms are not very specific. - Means not suggestive of any single diagnosis. It is good that you are maintaining an active lifestyle . Your symptoms need some testing and evaluation. I recommend a complete blood count, liver , thyroid function tests, Heavy metal screening, Vit B12 levels and an MRI based on the blood test results.

You can get in touch with me or your GP with the tests results. Meanwhile you should take a Vitamin B complex supplement. Include fruits and vegetables in diet. Most likely this is passing phase, non specific. But to be sure, its better to have these tests done. Heavy Metal screening might have been done recently considering your nature of work. You can enquire with your employer / occupational health expert regarding this.

Hope this helps
Please feel free to ask followups
Thank you

Patient replied :

I will get those tests done thanks , its getting worst day by day could you tell me what it could be based on the information I have given you
Thank you

A non organic problem out of anxiety / stress / depression is one possibilty. Heavy metal toxicity / metabolic conditions including diabetes should also be ruled out.

Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Category: Pediatric Neurologist
Senior Residency, Fellowship: DM, Neurology, CMC, Vellore, 2001
Junior Residency: MD, Internal Medicine, CMC, Vellore, 1998
Medical School: MBBS, Christian Medical College, Vellore, 1995
Dr. Sudhir Kumar and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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