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Question. I recently had a Donor Egg IVF Transfer on Feb 15th. They were two great 5 day blasto. Pregnancy test was good on Feb 25th with a high HCG 500 and today was tested around 1000. I am taking the Vivelle Dots and Progesterone Oil (injections). My question to you, is why is it so critical to take the progesterone and also, what would happen if I missed 4 days of the injections? Am I at risk for miscarrage? I just left town and the airline lost my medicines and wont get back home for four days, Is this a big problem. I am very prego and could be twins due to the high HCG level.

Category: Infertility Specialist

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Category: Infertility Specialist
 30 Doctors Online

Thanks for your query at
Well, yes, it is very critical to take the progesterone.
It directly lowers your risk of a miscarriage.
With an IVF cycle, the chances of a miscarriage are even higher, and yes, you should try in the best possible manner to get the medications.
In a natural cycle, your body naturally produces the hormones necessary to support the pregnancy.
With a donor IVF, such hormones are totally lacking and have to be supplied from outside.
A sudden drop in hormone levels can trigger off a pregnancy loss.
Missing 4 days straight of progesterone at this early stage in pregnancy might be a problem.
Then again, you might be lucky, and face no complications, but medically speaking, yes, missing 4 days of progesterone increases your chances of a miscarriage.
Furthermore, I think you should not be travelling unless it is paramount.
Try and get the drugs wherever you are, they should be available .
If you just cannot get them, then dont stress out.
Stress itself can lead to a miscarriage.
SO , in a nutshell - try and get the drugs, do your best.
If you cannot get them, forget about them, and restart taking them when you can.
All the best
Please feel free to discuss further.

Patient replied :

So basically you are saying that missing four days does carry a potential significant risk? Just for informational purpose, when you do a donor egg, your body isnt producing the required progesterone. Why does the egg need progesterone after you have implanted?

Post implantation, progesterone is critical till the placenta takes over at 14 weeks.
Read this - it is in simple language, but should suffice -

Dr. Aarti Vazirani
Category: Infertility Specialist
Residency: Obstetrics & Gynecolog, BJMC,Civil hospital, Ahmedabad, 2008
Post Graduate: MS (Obstetrics & Gynecology), B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2008
Medical School: MBBS, B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, 2004
Dr. Aarti Vazirani and 4 other Medical Specialists are ready to help you

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