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Chronic neck pain taking Indocin. Rectal bleeding probably due to Ulcerative Colitis. Candidal infection on testes. Anemia with possible metabolic myopathy. Fistula planned for fistulectomy. Abnormal Bleeding profile. Candidal skin infection in pubic area. Acute Diarrheal Disease. Concern regarding consumption of partially pasteurized cheese in pregnancy. REM sleep disorder. Empty consult Pregnancy and EDD estimation. Degenerative changes in vertebra secondary to aging. H. Pylori positive gastritis. Discal Hernia. Bruises secondary to increased capillary fragility. Concern regarding exposure to HIV Psoriasis of toes. STD possibly gonorrhoea. Non Specific ECG changes. Dullness in face secondary to excessive sunlight exposure. Swelling in the scalp possibly Sebaceous Cyst. 3 month pregnancy with confusion in paternity. Unprotected oral sex and concern about HIV transmission. Post Coital bleeding with HPV Positive. Ulcerative colitis. Overdose of Flu vaccine. Hepatitis B positive disease in active stage. Orchitis Improper erection secondary to anxiety. Shortness of breath secondary to asthma. Colitis with dyspepsia. Burn injury on the forearm. Rabies Concern following contact with a stray. Diet Chart for a pregnant vegetarian. Generalized weakness. Secondary cellulitis of the leg. Vibration around the area of the penis. Right eye astigmatism after LASIK Nucynta and Tramadol interaction. Irritaton of the vagina secondary to shaving. Infection of the scalp with a white patch. Concern regarding exposure to HIV Ankylosing Spondylitis. Acute Pancreatitis Acute Gastritis with previous pancreatitis. Atypical Mole Concern regarding using of morphine in COPD patient. Pappilae of the tongue secondary to infection. Lymphoid hyperplasia of the throat. Lymphoid hyperplasia in the throat. Dyspepsia secondary to H.Pylori infection. Concern about possible exposure to HIV Urethritis with white patch on penis. Oral candidiasis, with a white patch on tongue. Androgen usage with hair loss. Stomach pain with malena UTI secondary to urethral obstruction. Lymphoid hyperplasia of the terminal ileum. Molluscum Contagiosum infection Empty consult Concern regarding Codeine usage. Complains of stomach pain possibly due to H.Pylori infection with inflammation of stomach and duodenum. Complains of delayed period and infertility on OligynD Complains of severe anxiety on armour thyroid therapy. Balanitis with red rash on penis. Sinusitis with headache. Bell's palsy - can facial inflammation be reduced? Unprotected sexual intercourse. Fever with sore throat. Penile rash secondary to fungal infection. Acute on chronic tonsillitis with streptococcal throat infection on penicillin. Complains of dysphagia. Concern regarding Height. Colitis or Diverticulitis Complains of fever and headache,possibly due to typhoid. Dysmenorrhoea Atherosclerosis with coronary stent. Concern about interaction between seroquel and viagra. Concern about using Xenical. Tenosynivitis of the left hand. Fungal infection of the scrotum. Anxiety Disorder. Hashimotos' Thyrotoxicosis. Atrophic Vaginitis. Chronic Cough with multiple lung nodules. Malena secondary to Hemorrhoids. Peptic Ulcer Disease. Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Passive Marijuana smoking Passive Marijuana smoking Genital Warts Eczema contagious? Ringing of ears secondary to Safediclo Hypothyroidism with excessive sleepiness. Insect bite fearing bat bites. Anxiety Disorder. Travelers Diarrhea Penile Warts Empty consult

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