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Chances of MISCARRIAGE with faint YOLK, raised HCG. Pain, numbness, cold in fingers with mild RAYNAUD'S. Cramping, brown spotting on emergency pill after sex. Ways to prevent KELOIDS from getting TATTOO. Slight pain in throat with no temperature. Cause? Unable to sleep well, no enery, appetite. CANCER? Shooting pain, numbness with CERVICAL DISC HERNIATION. Crampy rectum after ANAL MASTURBATION with CARROT. Treatment for SACCULAR ANEURYSM IN MIDDLE CERBRAL ARTERY. Frequent urination, dryness, more hunger, swelling in foot. Cause? Addicted to porn since wife is not interested in sex. Should I got to hospital for ABSCESS on arm? FIBROIDS in uterus. Should UTERUS, GALLBLADDER be removed? Recurrent hiccups occuring randomly. Treatment? Yellowish vaginal discharge with itching and no odour. Pain in WISDOM TOOTH due to nerve compression. COLD SORES for years. Is my IMMUNE SYSTEM weak? Discomfort, pain in stomach, throat and unable to eat. Had oral sex with HIV female. Should I worry? Penis becomes white and itchy. Infection? Treatment for NUTRITIONAL ANEMIA with low HEMOGLOBIN. Help in interpreting blood FSH, ESTRADIOL, TESTOSTERONE. Chances of getting RABIES by walking past dead animal. Brown patches on back, shoulder. What are these? Headaches for years, normal CT scan. TUMOUR? Tummyaches with TONSILITIS after taking PENICILLIN. Energy types consumed by eye. ATP, ADP, AMP? Beefing up with pregnancy and low hormone levels. Is it possible to catch HSV2 with previous HSV1? I am pregnant but tests are negative. Can NITROFURATOIN cause false negative CHLAMYDIA PCR test? Sorethroat, cough not helped by cough syrup. Treatment? Bloody stools with changing constipation, diaarhea. CHRONS DISEASE? Reasn for high TESTOSTERONE with SPIRONOLACTONE in transgender. Flatness, numbness after stopping SAPHRIS. Was I overdosed? Having higher ANXIETY ATTACKS with GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER. Runny nose with tinnitus in ear. What to do? Can PANTOPRAZOLE cause decrease in WBC COUNT? Groin pain, lump under testicle after sex with escort. Itching while urinating with normalKIDNEY, BLADDER in SONOGRAPHY. Can I continue workout with MOBITZ TYPE1 HEART BLOCK? Swelling around ankle. BITE or IRRITATED SKIN? Sporadic pain, tenderness in testicles after injury. Small red marks on penis without discharge. Cause? Treatment for CHRONIC EXCRUCIATING EAR PAIN more on night. Mole on arm without significant change. Is this 'SUSPECT'? Risk of developing ANEMIA with ANTI BIG K1:1. Mark on leg from birth with uneven appearance. BIRTHMARK? Chances of interaction of ROTAVIRUS VACCINE with -hidden-. Unable to express my thoughts during converstion. Cause? Burning, bleeding with anal rash, loose stools. Will low LYMPHOCYTES lead to CANCER? Hissing inside ear after washing away WAX. Continuous fever with fluctuations not reduced by ANTIBIOTICS. Left sided chest, back pain with raised TRIGLYCERIDES. ECG. Need for BYPASS SURGERY with OCCLUDED LAD in ANGIOPLASTY. Small itchy bumps, sensitive skin in hip area. Treatment? Painful cramps, bleeding with large clots. Tests to do. Joint pain with normal ANA, RA FACTOR, VITAMIN-D,B12. LAMN in histopathology report after LAPROSCOPIC APPENDICECTOMY. MALIGNANT? White raised dot, marks in inner vagina. Reason? Risk of having LABIAPLASTICTY surgery in INDIA. Ways to maintain TESTOSTERONE level at 500-600. Fever, weak with pain in head and body. Treatment? Sudden bouts of diarrhea, bleeding with normal COLONOSCOPY. Taking PRIMOLUT-N to delay period. Can I drink ALCOHOL? Can I conceive with PRE CANCER in CERVIX? Fatigue affecting daily life with LEXAPRO for ANXIETY. Numbness, needles, pins in sternum after AORTIC VALVE REPLACEMENT. Treatment for RING WORM in groin area. NIZAROL, SPORANOX. What Is this forming in penis and testicles? Burning, itchy ankles throughout the day. Cause? No improvement in FRACTURE TIBIA with RODS and SCREWS. Becoming tipsy after drinks. Do I have LIVER FAILURE? MICROLITH IN KIDNEY IN CT scan. Treatment? Heat sensations in eyes, throat on stopping BC PILL. Spot appeared near previous surgery. CYST/CANCEROUS? Blood in semen on ejaculation. What tests to do? Soft palate is burnt with red dots with pain. Infectious status and cure rate of HPV. Vertigo, fatigue due to traveling job. Treatment? Small raised bumps in arms, occasionally itchy. BUG BITES? Elevated red spots with minimal itching on arm, legs. Shortness of breath, reduced OXYGEN SATURATION on walking. COPD. Pain in chest more on breathing, lifting arm. Painless lesion in leg. Is it WART? Fever, chills, swaeting, fatigue with vomiting. Treatment? Numbness in cheek, lightheadedness with low VITAMIN-B values. Growing dark spots on skin. CANCEROUS? Reason for low WHITE COUNT after RADIATION for CANCER. Light headed, dizzy after taking WINE with LUVOMOX, WARFARIN. Need to interpret my SPERM ANALYSIS TEST REPORT. Cause for RENAL PELVIS DILATATION IN BABY in preganacy. Vomiting, THYPHOID after starting CHLOROQUINE for MALARIA. Treatment options for FIBROIDS/ESMA without surgery. Effectiveness of I-PILL if taken within 12hrs. Stomach pain, heaviness, loose motion. Stomach infection? Penis turns right, shrinking slowly, loss of sensation. Cause? Sore, itchy, swelling in leg after common fly bite. CIPRO. Abomen pain with twist in colon in ENDOSCOPY, CT SCAN.

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