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Reoccuring throat infection even after treatment with ANTIBIOTICS. Afraid of having HIV infection after sex with condom. Cause for late periods with negative pregnancy test. High FASTING, PP blood sugar inspite taking VOGLIMAC. Dose of METFORMIN to conceive with PCOS. Would like to go over lab results, symptoms. Will I have healthy pregnancy with no health issues? Unable to do sex more than one minute. Help. Heart paliptations, pain, thrist, hunger with hand shaking. Cause? Chronic cystitis after removing KIDNEY STONES by KEY-HOLE SURGERY. Rough patch, itchy boils with in back, thigh. Treatment? Tingling in foot after hanging upside down. BRAIN TUMOUR? Possible issues in attached blood test. HEMATOLOGIST. Question Professional advice for BROKEN 4TH METACARPAL BONE. Muscle like pain in finger, knee after tattoo appointment. Numbness, tingling, discomfort in ankles, whitish patch in gums. Oval shape, red with dark edges with bite mark. Reason? Discomfort in ears after hearing high bass frequencies. Masterbated and came in asshole. Could I be pregnant? Risk of SHINGLES VACCINE in NEUROPATHY patient. Sore, small bump under arm with ULTRASOUND REPORT. LYMPHNODE? Nauseous, fatigued, fluctuating lack of appetite. Cause? Back pain with REDUCED DISC SPACE IN L5-S1 vertebra. Severe pain in shoulder with TENDON INJURY in MRI. Risk of PULMONARY HYPERTENSION with PVC'S in ECHO. How the pain will be while getting TATTOO? Light bleeding due to mistook birth control pills. White lump at back of tongue. Is this normal? Pain, heaviness in elbow on extending arm. Cause? While clear fluid from nipples on pinching without pregnancy. Will VERSED, FENTANYL cause bad reaction for ENDOSCOPY, SIGMOIDOSCOPY. Painless swelling in back after diagnosing MONO. Medication for fall, due to LOW BLOOD PRESSURE, BRONCHITIS. Trouble falling asleep with INSOMNIA. Pain with anal bleeding in HEMORRHOIDS. Treatement? Open sore with raised rim in anus without pain. Burning sensation , lump with pain in anus. Treatment? What is this spot on arm. TICK, LYME DISEASE? Abdominal pain, constipation, nausea with weight loss. Cause? Can HERPES HSV-1 spread from LIPS to EYES? Hogh BLOOD PRESSURE on lying down on LISINOPRIL. Wrong dates from ovulation cycle and by ULTRASOUND. Treatment for prematurely finishing in intimacy and sex. Risk of HIV from therpaist finger in ass from massgae. Pain in chest on deep breath, standing, ACID REFLUX. Antibiotic to treat INFLAMMATION in SEMEN besides CIPROFLOXACIN. Dry pale skin, tingling in hands. NERVOUS SYSTEM problem? Small patches of discoloration on penis with HERPES. Outbreak? Side effects overdosing HEPATITS-B VACCINE. GRADE2 POSTERIOR FUNDAL PLACENTA in ANAMOLY scan. Normal? SMALL PATCHY NODULARITY in chest XRAY, cough. CANCER? Rashes more in evening, sneezing with ALLERGY. Treatment? Pain in thumb after relocating the disclocated thumb. Dizziness, giddiness with waist pain in bed ridden patient. Ways to rejuvenate HORMONAL SYSTEM after EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION PILL. Difficulty swallowing, speech problem with normal blood count. Cause? PERINICIOUS ANEMIA, MACROCYTOSIS with HIGH MCV, MCH. CANCER? Numbness, tingling in hand, loss of power. MS? STHAPHYLOCOCCUS GALLOTIGUS in TOOTH ABSCESS with normal colonoscopy. Acute pain, bloating, pressure in abdomen. Cause? Pain in lower right stomach as soon as after eating. Blemish, discoloration, dark spots in uncircumcised penis. Bloated, stomach pain, burning and thristy after sex, drinking. REINNERVATION in arm WITHOUT DENERVATION. What it means? Treated for positive CHLAMYDIA. Will I get LYMPHOGRANULOMA VENERUM? Raised BUN, CREATININE on LISINOPRIL, GLUCOSAMINE SULPHATE, OMEGA-3. Treatment for diagnosed two types of MONO. Benign ARRHYTHMIA, PVC'S in EKG. Will I get A-FIB? Can we have sex while on white LOESTRIN pill? Treatment for extreme pain without GENITAL HERPES outbreak. Can PREDNISOLONE cause weight gain, facial hair, fatty neck? Time from OVULATION CYCLE to become pregnant after sex. Will surgery treat without pain, PARTIAL ACHILLES TENDON TEAR? Dosage of AMOXICILLIN for bad ear infection. Stiffness, swelling after ORIF of OLECRANON with TBW fracture. Hving no symptoms of STD after sex. Can I ease? Common side effects of SULFAMETHOXAZOLE-TMP. Feeling sensation, heaviness in face with normal MRI. Irritation in legs from boots. NEOSPORIN, ARNICA GEL. Palpable, non swollen lymph nodes on neck. Cause? Light pink discharge, bleeding after sex. HPV VACCINE. Treatment for POLYHYDROMNIOS with PREMATURE BABY in pregnancy. Status of liver funtion with high SGOT, SGPT. Dosage of ACYCLOVIR to reduce severity of CHICKEN POX. Can I continue CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS with ACNE, PCOS? Dizziness, foggy head, imbalance with neck pain. Pain in abdomen in morning. Can I take FAMOTIDINE? Cramps , pain in legs on driving, walking. HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE, LISINOPRIL. Painless bump in vulva which donot pop. STD? Frequent bowel movements, fleeling like bowels not emptied. Cause? High CHOLESTROL blood level. Is this serious threat? Painful tenson behind knee with tingling after injury. Treatment? Can I take PRAMIPEXOL to boost libido? Fever, stomach pain, heavy periods after sex. PREGNANCY? Swelling in vagina with CYSTS, GROWTHS. VULVAL CANCER? Weird tingling in nose with high BLOOD PRESSURE on workout. How to prevent infection in BLEEDING cut in nostril? Burning sensation after food, recurrent acidity problem. ENO. Blood from cut due to plucking nasal cavity. INFECTION.

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