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Itchy tiny bumps on groin, turns red on touch. Severe abdominal pain with PANNICULITIS in ULTRASOUND. Treatment. Itchy spots on penis growing more. Treatment. Nerve symptoms after FLUZONE shot, DEMYELINATION in MRI. Locking of shoulder while playing and pain. Treatment. Will overuse of PANADOL NIGHT cause LIVER FAILURE? How to stop VALIUM without WITHDRAWAL symptoms? Risk of transmitting HIV by kiss without BLLEDING GUMS. Swelling, pain in ureter, fever. Is this serious? Pain, popping sound in shoulder after ARTHROSCOPIC SURGERY. Pain in both knees after back FUSION with FORAMINOTOMIES. Need for METFORMIN to conceive with regular menstrual cycle. Severe panic about SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE after sex. Light spotting, back pain, nausea. Am I pregnant? Intermittent chest pain with MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE, ATRIAL FLUTTER. Head itching, ulcer in tongue with lymphnode under chin. Is it danger to drink after taking HYDROCODON, ACETAMINOPHENE? Mechanism of blood circulation in heart, right ventricle. One side of body is intertnally weakend on waking up. Effects of LONG TERM USE OF ANTIPSYCHOTIC MEDICATIONS. Tickle of blood from nose in low humidity. Treatment. Link between double dose ISONIAZID and PBC, POTS SYNDROME. Fever, sorethroat, headache with productive cough. Treatment. Intestinal pain after IBUPROFEN for MENSTRUAL CRAMPS. Swollen groin lymphnodes with lump in testicles. LYMPHOMA? Tight foreskin, unable to retract. Will sexual life normal? Can 11weeks pregnant lady travel in domestic flight? Will YEAST BASED supplements harm children? Are supplements with YEAST BASES suitable for children? Side effects of supplements used for hairfall. TRICHOSCAN. Yellow stain appearing and disappearing under skin. Treatment. Course of treatment for ADENOCARCINOMA infiltrated VAGINAL VAULT. Chances of survival from keeping on MECHANICAL VENTILATOR. Blood from penis, uploaded lab test reports. Cause. Treatment for FUNGAL ASTHMA, SINUSITIS and TINEA CAPITIS. Fluttering, twiching in uterus after sex. Pregnant? Intercourse, masturbation creates rashes and disappears later. Are insomnia, shortness of breath widrawal effects of CYMBALTA? AKATHESIA as side-effect from RISPERDAL, ZYPREXA.Is VALIUM safe? Dizzy, tired after eating, PANIC DISORDER, POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME. Low probability HEPATITIS-C test. Is this positive? Pain, redness, burning and itchy labia. Tests for CANCER. Unable to sit without buttock pain. OSTEOMYELITIS? Pain, inflammation on TRICEPS, on NAPROXEN. Whwn will heal? Shadow, floaters in eye, took retina picture. MD? Back pain, numb thigh by PINCHED NERVES in BACK. Trouble seeing in dark, gasping for air and low appetite. Fever caused by FLU and not reduced by IBUPROFEN. Treatment for fungal inflammation in head of penis. How to remove stuck mouth in mouth for SLEEP APNEA. Rapid heartbeat, fever, chills, headache after taking ALLEGRA. Will glass particle entering vein cause ENDOCARDITIS? INTRA, EXTRA HEPATIC BILIARY DILATATION in ultrasound, normal MRCP. Reason. Running nose, sorethroat, sneezing . Can I take TAMOFLU? Walks unbalanced with problem in XRAY. Chance of TONOTOMY. Will ANSIBEN help in PSYCHOLOGICAL problems in swallowing. On CYMBALTA for INSOMNIA, ANXIETY. It's getting worse. Rough patch, bumps on penis without pain. GENITAL WARTS? Antibiotics to clear chest infection. Already on OFLOXACIN. Hard lump beneath ear with COLD SORES in lip. Treatment. Cramping in stomach, vomiting, stomach upset. What to do? Abnormal SGPT, ALP, GAMMA GT levels. Should I worry? Migraine headache, cold, excess sweating with osteoarthritis. Treatment. Frequent urination, nausea, late period. Pregnant? Palpitation, fatigue with normal STRESS TEST, HOLTER MONITOR. Headaches getting worse after head injury, normal CT SCAN. Memory loss, unable to control anxiety for public issues. Bloating, pressure in abdomen, nausea and fatigue. CANCER? Cold feeling in calf, intense on sitting. Cause. Asymmetric swelling of eye, alcohol abuse. B-CELL LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDER? Can I get AIDS by just vagina and penis touching? Lab test for identifying incubating RABIES virus in body. Black patches/streaks in stool, pain in stomach. ABSCESS in throat draining green, thick pus. Treatment. Counter meds for DIAPHER RASH besides DESITIN. INFLAMMATION, SWELLING after attached particle in heart. Symptoms? Negative EARLY HIV DETECTION TEST after sex. Is this accurate? Can UTRICLE, MULLERIAN CYST arise from ANAL CANCER? Yellowish eyes on waking up daily. Cause. AYURVEDHIC or EMBRYO BIOPSY, IVF. Which way is better? Raising HCG levels dpo. Indicative of TWINS? Took VALIUM 9days ago. Will 7day body cleanse work? Headaches, constipation, sensitivity to light after sex. FIBROMYALGIA? What happens if little particle enter vein by accident. Is PHOTOSENSITIVITY a issue with ST JOHNS WORT? Fever with previous feveric CONVULSION. CROSIN/CALPOL syrup. Rash getting worse after insect bite. I am worried. Lump on breast, hurts on pressure. Treatment. Chances of getting AIDS by touching the semen. Can TRIMETHOPRIM/SULFA treat CHRONIC PROSTATITIS? Chances of HIV from biting shoulder without blood. Continuous non dry cough, mucus in lungs. Treatment. Economical way to cure PURE RED CELL APLASIA. How to control ASTHMA EXACERBATIONS? VINTOLIN. Back pain with 4TH stage BONE CANCER in SCAN reports. Took AMBIEN after having beer. Should I go to hospital? Home remedies for heartburn, pain in chest. Rash in breasts with itching after stopping NORIDAY. Off balance on walking, being pulled to side. TUMOUR? Blood, blood clots in ejaculate and urine. Treatment.

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